3rd Annual Bradford Skills Month and Tech Week was a success!

October was Bradford Skills Month, and Tech Week celebrated its third year with more events, talks and workshops than ever before. Through these interactive sessions, primary school pupils up to college and university students were able to learn more about future opportunities in the field of technology, and STEM.

A total of 1,200 students have taken part so far in Tech week activities, with us reaching more girls and young women. It is important for us to increase the diversity of people knowing the pathways into tech careers.

This year Tech Week activities and workshops included:

-Gaming Festival,

where we, Impact Gamers and The Exa Foundation hosted 2 days for students and families at the Bradford Media and Science Museum and had 208 people exploring the gaming sector.

-Cyber Security,

this event was held with the cyber security experts ECSC where we gave an introduction to one of the coolest jobs in the tech industry, and did exercises to later on break into computer systems!

-Tech for Good,
An event to inspire girls into STEM!


We had 60 female pupils from local schools and 7 inspiring female leaders.
School students had the chance to chat 1:1 with the female leaders in small groups, with a panel Q&A; A discussion afterwards, where the students learnt more about the brilliant journeys they have taken to get to where they are today.

-Sat School

We had 140 students exploring the wonders of #EarthObservation at Bradford Grammar School!

-Some other events included Astro AI and SpaceArt.

Tech for good

Bradford Skills Month and Tech Week share a vision to inspire young people about opportunities in STEM education. It provided a platform for collaboration between business, partners and sponsors – resulting in broad engagement with technology topics.


Without our partners and sponsors, this event would not have been possible. Our grateful thanks to SkillsHouse Bradford, The Exa Foundation, Bradford Council, Space Hub Yorkshire, UK Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS), University of Bradford, Bradford College, City Fibre, Digital Makers, Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP), West Yorkshire Combined Authority, CCS Media Ltd, Black Solicitors LLP; and Yorkshire Space and Satellite Centre.

Click here to find out all about the events at Bradford Skills Month